Freddy Olander

Having grown up in Berlin, Freddy Olander proves that with drive and ambition even a city rat can conquer the most difficult and biggest waves around the world.

“For a city child like me, surfing was like liberation: I could finally escape from the confines of the concrete desert and into the vastness of nature and waves.

Surfing enables me to forget everything else around me and to experience many emotions in one moment. When I ride, it is just me and the sea. You could compare it to a meditative state. That is the reason why I’ve been a passionate surfer for more than 20 years.”

“What fascinates you so much about surfing big waves that you have dedicated your life to this lifestyle?

The incredible interplay of emotions and nature, including frustrations, fears of life, joy, gratitude; just to name a few emotions. Of course, also experiencing these moments in the most beautiful places in the world describes quite well why I have completely dedicated my life to this lifestyle.” – Surfers Mag | December 2020